Does Your Website Work? A Little Educational Ditty To the Tune of Do Your Ears Hang Low
Does Your Website Work? A Little Educational Ditty!

Search Engine Optimization Toledo Cartoon
With apologies in advance, as a sense of humor seems to be hanging around disrupting
Search Engine Optimization efforts today… lol
Sung To the Tune of “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
Does your website work?
Does it generate the leads?
Do your visitors reach out?
Are your prospects converting?
Are you atop page one at Google when the Googlers are Googling?
Does Your website Work?
Does your website shine?
Does it have a great design?
Is your menu clear and simple?
Does your navigation manage to navigate the navigators?
Does Your website Work?
Does your website inspire?
Does it have calls to action?
Is the content strategic?
Does your messaging convey brand and value proposition ?
Does Your website Work?
Borrowed From Childhood Rhyming Song – Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Do They Wobble to and Fro?
Can You Tie Them in a Knot?
Can You Tie Them in a Bow?
Can You Throw Them Over Your Shoulder Like a Continental Soldier?
Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Lonn Dugan,
Acting Chief Humor Officer of the Day,
Big Marketing Solutions
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